Are scallops are one of the healthiest seafood? Yes, especially in powder form!

Scallops are one of the healthiest seafood. Made up of 80% protein and sporting a low-fat content, they can help you feel fuller longer and are rich in vitamins and minerals1. They also contain an ample amount of nutrients that can offer health benefits. Let us take a closer look at them in this article.

What Are Scallops?

Healthiest Seafood Scallop great as a dish by itself
Healthiest Seafood Scallop great as a dish by itself

Scallops are a type of shellfish that many people worldwide love. They have a slightly sweet taste and are very tender when prepared correctly. You can typically find them in the frozen section of the supermarket.

What Health Benefits Do They Have?

High in Protein

Scallop as a delicacy with shell intact
Scallop as a delicacy with shell intact, no need to follow this, it works amazing with just regular butter!

Scallops are an excellent source of protein. Protein is essential for normal cell activities. A lack of protein may cause muscle wasting over time as the body takes proteins from your muscles to preserve more important cell activities. If a child does not consume enough protein, it might also stunt his growth. Protein makes you feel full longer and may help to increase your metabolism. Thus, it can help with weight management as scallops are also low in calories.

Benefit your Brain and Heart

More than half of scallops’ fat content is Omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for brain development. For instance, research suggests that developing babies who don’t get enough omega-3 fatty acids through their mothers’ diet may be at risk of developing psychiatric disorders as they grow up2. The healthy fats can also help to keep your cholesterol level normal, reducing the risk of heart disease. In addition, the magnesium in scallops helps to relax your blood vessels which can help to lower your blood pressure and improve your blood circulation3.

May Prevent or Delay Cell Damage

Scallops are rich in Selenium which acts as an antioxidant that can protects your body against cell damage. This may help in the prevention of many chronic diseases. Adequate selenium intake promotes a healthy immune system and proper thyroid function4.

How To Prepare Scallops?

Healthy Scallop dish with seaweed and corn, as healthy as it gets!

Typically, you can get frozen scallops in the supermarket so all you have to do is to thaw them overnight in your refrigerator before cooking them. If you get them fresh in their shell, you will need to clean them properly before cooking them. Remember to remove the dark spots and any side muscles around the scallop.

A Easier Way

Crystal Sea's Scallop Powder Healthy and Easy to add into meals
Crystal Sea’s Scallop Powder Healthy and Easy to add into meals

If you’re too lazy to prepare scallops, there’s an easier way for you. Simply add some Scallop Powder to your dish to give it more flavor as well as nutrients. The scallop powder is ready-to-eat so you can just sprinkle it over your food. Crystal Of The Sea’s Scallop Powder is made using premium quality wild scallops, without added salt, sugar, MSG, or other preservatives.

So are scallops one of the healthiest seafood around? We hope this article gave you a clearer answer. You can find us on Instagram and on our official website for any enquires about our scallop powder!

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  1. Contributors, W. M. D. E. (n.d.). Scallops: Are they good for you? pros and cons, nutrition information, and more. WebMD. Retrieved September 15, 2022, from,blood%20pressure%20and%20improve%20circulation.
  2. McNamara, R. K., Vannest, J. J., & Valentine, C. J. (2015, March 22). Role of perinatal long-chain omega-3 fatty acids in cortical circuit maturation: Mechanisms and implications for psychopathology. World journal of psychiatry. Retrieved September 15, 2022, from
  3. Contributors, W. M. D. E. (n.d.). Scallops: Are they good for you? pros and cons, nutrition information, and more. WebMD. Retrieved September 15, 2022, from,blood%20pressure%20and%20improve%20circulation.
  4. Streit, L. (2022, June 1). Are scallops safe to eat? nutrition, benefits and more. Healthline. Retrieved September 15, 2022, from


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