When to start feeding solid foods to baby?

When to start feeding solid foods to baby? - Solid foods for babies

The timing of when to start feeding solid foods to babies varies slightly depending on individual development, but most experts generally recommend starting around six months of age. Key indicators of your baby’s readiness to eat solid foods include:


When to start feeding solid foods to baby - Age

By the age of six months, a baby’s digestive system is usually developed enough to handle solid food. Introduce Solids Gradually: When starting solid foods, introduce them one at a time and wait a few days before introducing a new food. This approach can help identify and monitor any potential food allergies or intolerances. Avoid Certain Foods: Honey should be avoided until the baby turns one due to the risk of infant botulism. Cow’s milk should also be avoided as a main drink until around 1 year of age, as it may interfere with iron absorption and can lead to iron deficiency.

Head and neck controls:

Crystalseasg when to introduce solid foods - baby sitting upright

Your baby should be able to sit upright with minimal support and have good head and neck control. This is important for safe and effective swallowing. Here are some signs. 

Sits with Support: As neck and head control improves, your baby will be able to sit with some support, such as propping them up with cushions or using a specially designed infant seat.

Supports Head While Held: When you hold your baby against your chest or carry them in an upright position, they can support their head without it flopping backward.

Holds Head Steady: As your baby grows, you may notice that they can hold their head steady when you support them in an upright position, like when you carry them on your shoulder or in a baby carrier.

Interest in food:

When to start feeding solid foods - Baby showing interest in foods

If your baby begins to take an interest in food, watch you eat, or reach for food while you’re eating, that could be a sign that he’s ready to eat solids.

These are some signs to take note when your baby shows interest in foods.

Watching Others Eat: If your baby watches intently when you or others are eating, it may be a sign of curiosity and interest in food.

Opening Mouth: Your baby may start opening their mouth when they see a spoon coming towards them or when they observe others eating.

Reaching for Food: If your baby reaches for food or tries to grab it from your plate, it could be a sign of interest in trying new textures and flavors.

Tongue reflex:

crystalseasg - When to start feeding solid foods to baby - Tongue reflex

Loss of the tongue-thrust reflex is a good sign that your baby is ready. This reflex, in which a baby instinctively pushes food out of his mouth with his tongue, usually goes away after about six months. For more information, the tongue-trust reflex a natural reflex in infants that causes them to push food out of their mouths with their tongues. This reflex is present in the early months of life and gradually diminishes as babies become ready for solid foods

Increased hunger:

Crystalseasg - When to start feeding solid foods to baby? - Increased Hunger

If your baby is not satisfied with breast milk or formula alone and still feels hungry even after a good feeding, the introduction of solid foods can help meet their nutritional needs.

Recognize the importance of consulting a pediatrician before starting solid feeding to ensure your baby is ready for development and to receive personalized advice tailored to your baby’s specific needs and circumstances. Please do not forget. 


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