The Best Food Powder for Nutrition During Pregnancy – Seaweed Powder

Seaweed Powder Key Nutrition & Benefits for pregnant moms

Having a healthy diet during your pregnancy promotes the healthy growth and development of your child. While there are many nutrients and food you need to take note of, a few of them deserve special mention. Folic Acid Folic acid is important in preventing birth defects in the brain and spine of a baby. Folic […]

The best organic substitute for MSG, Crystal Sea’s Food Seasoning Powders

COTS Brown White Shrimp Powder

MSG is short for monosodium glutamate. It is basically a flavor enhancer due to its umami taste, which induces salivary secretion. In other words, umami flavors make your mouth water, elicit salivary secretion, enhance appetite, and increase food palatability1. INTRODUCING CRYSTAL OF THE SEA FOOD POWDER What if you can have better flavor with more […]

5 Simple Quick Hari Raya Seaweed Snacks for that extra taste!

Seaweed CNY snacks featured image

Hari Raya is just around the corner! Do you know that you can make your goodies more flavourful and nutritious with a simple ingredient? That’s right, it’s our seaweed powder!  P.S. We are Halal-certified! Seaweed powder is a common ingredient in many delicious snacks and can be used to add flavour and nutrition to various […]

Ikan Bilis Powder vs White Anchovy Powder – what’s the difference?

COTS products have HALA certification

Ikan Bilis Powder vs White Anchovy Powder, we’ve received many queries from customers asking us about the difference between the two and which ones they should get. In this article, we’ll compare the two powders and give advice on which is the best powder for you. First, let’s take a closer look at the two […]

Top Health Benefits Of Ikan Bilis Powder For Babies

Mix ikan bilis powder in your baby’s food, easy to feed with added nutrition boost

At six months old, babies can start taking in solid food, although it should still be smooth, soft, and fine in texture. As they grow older and develop their chewing abilities, the texture of their food can be thicker and coarser.  ikan bilis powder for babies, easy add into your baby’s food for that nutrition […]

Why you should add this seaweed powder seasoning to your daily meals!

Crystal of the Sea new product Seaweed Powder

Crystal Of The Sea is proud to present our two new products, Seaweed Powder Seasoning and the Scallop Powder Seasoning. In this article, we will be focusing on the Seaweed Powder, letting you understand its premium ingredients and its great benefits to your health. Do you know that wakame, nori, and kombu are different? We […]

4 Home Cooked Easy Dinner Recipes with High Nutrition

COTS Cooking Recipe Booklet Cover Page

We all know that eating out can be unhealthy but most of the time, we’re too exhausted after work to cook. Hence, most of us will choose to have our dinner outside. In this article, we prepared four extremely easy dinner recipes that you can make at home, all with a single pot or pan! […]