5 Deliciously Simple Dried Ikan Bilis & White Anchovy Recipes

Dried anchovies are great ingredients to make dishes with as they are delicious and nutritious. They contain nutrients that can help meet the nutritional needs of pregnant women and the growth and development of children. In this article, we will explore 5 Deliciously Simple Dried Ikan Bilis & White Anchovy Recipes1. Scroll down and find out more!

1. Balado Anchovy (Spicy Anchovy)

Anchovy Balado aka Balado Ikan Teri
Spicy Anchovy with our dried ikan bilis!


  • 250g Crystal of the Sea Dried Ikan Bilis
  • 50 ml of water
  • 3 pieces of lime leaves, remove the stem, and thinly sliced
  • Oil
  • Spices:
    • 150g red chili
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • 10 shallots
    • 1/2 tsp mushroom stock
    • 1 tsp sugar


  1. Soak the Ikan bilis in hot water for a few seconds. Rinse thoroughly to reduce the salty taste, then drain.
  2. Fry ikan bilis until dry Set them aside.
  3. Stir-fry spices with lime leaves until you can smell the fragrance. Then, pour enough water and boil it down.
  4. Toss in the fried ikan bilis and mixed them well with the balado seasoning.
  5. Take a taste test, add seasoning if needed, and serve.

2. Petai Sambal with Anchovies

Petai Sambal with Anchovies aka IKAN TERI SAMBAL PETAI
Classic Ikan Bilis Dish


  • 300g Crystal of the Sea Dried White Anchovy
  • 100g of petai, peeled
  • Water
  • 1 tomato, diced
  • 2 lime leaves
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar
  • Spices:
    • 20 curly red chilies
    • 3 bird’s eye chilies
    • 8 shallots
    • 5 cloves of garlic


  1. Fry the anchovies until half-cooked. Set aside.
  2. Stir-fry spices with lime leaves and tomatoes until you can smell the fragrance.
  3. Add a little water, add the petai and the half-cooked anchovies.
  4. Add sugar and stir until the spices are well mixed.
  5. Take a taste test, add seasoning if needed, and serve.

3. Anchovy Fried Rice

Anchovy Fried Rice aka Ikan Bilis Fried Rice
The easiest dish to cook in this list!



  1. Stir-fry spices until you can smell the fragrance.
  2. Add the Crystal of the Sea Dried White Anchovies and minced chicken.
  3. Add rice and mix.
  4. Add the sweet corn and tomatoes.
  5. Add sweet soy sauce. Stir until all the ingredients are evenly mixed.
  6. Sprinkle in the White Anchovy Powder.
  7. Take a taste test, add seasoning if needed, and serve.

4. Sambal Anchovy Eggplant

Sambal Anchovy Eggplant
For the eggplant lovers, here’s Sambal Anchovy Eggplant!


  • 1/4 kg Crystal of the Sea Dried Ikan Bilis, remove the head and soak in hot water for a while
  • 2 purple eggplants, sliced
  • 2 pieces of lime leaves
  • 2 tomatoes, quartered
  • Spices:
    • 5 curly chilies
    • 10 bird’s eye chilies
    • 5 shallots
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • Salt to taste
    • Sugar, to taste 
    • Broth powder, to taste


  1. Fry the ikan bilis and eggplant until half-cooked. Set aside.
  2. Stir-fry spices until cooked and fragrant.
  3. Add the fried ikan bilis and eggplant. Mix well.
  4. Add lime leaves and tomatoes. Cook until done.
  5. Take a taste test, add seasoning if needed, and serve.

5. Stir-Fry Anchovy With Chilli & Onion

Stir-Fry Anchovy With Chilli and Onion aka IKAN TERI TUMIS CABAI BAWANG
Stir-Fry Anchovy With Chilli and Onion aka Ikan Teri Tumis Cabai Bawang


  • 200g Crystal of the Sea Dried Ikan Bilis
  • 150g shallots, sliced
  • 3 pieces of lime leaves, thinly sliced
  • 5 green cayenne peppers, sliced
  • 5 curly red chilies, sliced
  • 5 red bird’s eye chilies, sliced
  • 1 tsp fried shrimp paste


  1. Fry the dried ikan bilis until cooked and crisp. Set aside.
  2. Stir-fry shallots until cooked and fragrant.
  3. Add chilies and sliced ​​lime leaves. Mix for a while and add in the shrimp paste.
  4. Add the ikan bilis. Stir until the spices are well mixed.
  5. Take a taste test, add seasoning if needed, and serve.

So here’s 5 Deliciously Simple Dried Ikan Bilis & White Anchovy Recipes! Also, do note that if you’re making these dishes for your children, you can substitute the chilli with tomatoes. Alternatively, you can learn more about how our dried ikan bilis is uniquely different here as well!

Find us on Instagram @cystalsea.sg and on our official website and follow us for more recipes and promotions! Check out the promotion on Shopee, Lazada, and our official website!


  1. https://www.idntimes.com/food/recipe/amir-rosadi/resep-olahan-ikan-teri-yang-praktis-c1c2?page=all


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